


Sustainability Highlights

In 2023, Metrobank continued to advance and contribute to five core United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, and SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

By providing financing and supporting projects that stimulate economic growth, Metrobank spurs progress in the country’s most important sectors, such as agriculture, tourism, infrastructure, telecommunication, manufacturing, energy, and health. In addition, by providing loans to micro and small enterprises, we help bridge the financing gap by facilitating a conducive environment for them to thrive.

Through the Metrobank Foundation, our community investment supports 12 more SDGs, especially in the areas of climate action, conservation, and sustainable development partnerships. By working hand in hand with the government, industry leaders and civil society, Metrobank ensures that the next generations will have the same opportunities to live in prosperity.