
Social Sustainability


Workforce Diversity and Human Capital Development

Women in the Workplace

We value diversity in our workforce, recognizing it as a cornerstone of organizational strength. By bringing together individuals from various backgrounds, we create a rich tapestry of perspectives and skills that enhances our ability to meet the needs of an equally diverse customer base.

In empowering women in the workforce, the Metrobank EmpowHER campaign, launched during National Women’s Month, establishes a platform for female leaders to share success stories, inspire colleagues, and foster a culture of equality.

In 2023, the Bank’s employees were 35% male and 65% female. Among senior officers, 44% were male and 56% were female. In top management positions, 83% were male and 17% were female.

Talent Attraction and Retention

Metrobank remains its focus on attracting the right mix of talents and maintaining an inspiring work culture for our current employees.

We offer competitive salaries and benefits higher than the minimum local labor requirement. Aside from all the government-mandated benefits, Metrobank provides the following perks to all our permanent employees:

Employee Medical and Dental Benefits

Loan Privileges


Educational Assistance Programs

Retirement Plan

Leave Privileges

Human Capital Development

Metrobank seeks to enhance and improve the skills and abilities of its employees through employee engagement, training, and career development, ensuring have they opportunities to grow and thrive.

Employee Engagement

Finding pathways for effective communication and engagement with employees is important to us. Our communication channels include discussions with supervisors, HR business partner discussions, the HR Helpdesk, town halls, performance reviews and the Purple Hearts Club for employee volunteerism. Furthermore, all staff can access the Employee Feedback portal to raise queries and concerns. Regular Labor-Management Committee meetings are also held between the Management and the Union.

Training and Development

The Bank develops the skills of employees by providing tailored learning solutions aligned with its business goals, with a focus on three areas of talent development. Firstly, Foundational Capabilities: which include courses on our core values, regulatory policies, and officer development programs. Secondly, Functional Capabilities: which include specialized courses for roles in treasury or information technology. Thirdly, Leadership Capabilities: which are courses that develop leadership behaviors in intellectual capacity, interpersonal skills, and intensity. These are delivered through internal or external trainers, both in person and online.

Career Development

Metrobank continues to identify and develop high-performing and high-potential talent. Our succession program closely monitors talent career paths, ensuring our employees’ full potential is realized for our shared long-term success. Key initiatives include a 360° tool for assessing successor readiness, cross-posting assignments for key roles, and a comprehensive development program involving both asynchronous and synchronous sessions, mentoring, and grooming junior leaders for future roles.