Governance Framework and Structure

Strategic sustainability governance ensures a structured approach to decision making, policy implementation, and accountability mechanisms aligned with Metrobank’s long-term ESG objectives. The Board of Directors guide and institutionalize the organization’s sustainability principles, policies, and goals. The Executive Committee and the Risk Oversight Committee oversee and implement the Bank’s Sustainability framework and strategy, ensuring it meets regulatory requirements. The Sustainability Department, aided by the Risk Management Group and Technical Working Group, is responsible for managing and planning all sustainability-related activities, ensuring the integration of sustainability principles throughout the bank’s operations.

Sustainable Finance Strategy

Do No Harm: Rationalize exposure to identified closely monitored industries/sectors due to potential environmental and social impact by planning for the gradual wind-down of exposure to activities that are environmentally and socially harmful. Align with government goals (Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028) towards exposure targets.

Do Some Good: Support transition finance for hard-to-abate sectors by considering provision of transition finance to borrowers to support their sustainability journey. Identify high E&S risk clients that require enhanced due diligence and create a roadmap to reduce high-risk exposure.

Do More: Accelerate the growth of a sustainable portfolio. Identify and assess opportunities for growth of a sustainable loan book, and where applicable, strengthen sustainable products portfolio.

Managing Environmental and Social Risks

We manage E&S Risks across lending and investment activities by defining our risk appetite, adhering to an exclusion list, and implementing our Environmental and Social Risk Management Framework (ESRMF). This framework is pivotal in identifying and addressing ESG risk factors that could impact our operational, credit, and reputational standing.