Let Metrobank help you make the choices that match and enhance your lifestyle. *Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.
View AllLet Metrobank help you make the choices that match and enhance your lifestyle. *Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.
Savings accounts that will make your money grow. Earn interest while enjoying your freedom to spend.
Bank at your convenience. Use your smartphone or PC to access your accounts, send money, trade, and pay bills.
Set your personal financial objectives so you can make the right investment choices.
Read the latest product news, financial reports, and company announcements.
Metropolitan Bank & Trust Co.’s (Metrobank) net income rose by 14.0% year-on-year to a record PHP48.1 billion in 2024, supported by robust asset expansion and improving asset quality.
The Bank demonstrated anew its excellence in securities trading and investment and wealth management, receives multiple recognitions here and abroad
The Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) is increasing the Maximum Deposit Insurance Coverage (MDIC) to PHP 1M per depositor, starting March 15, 2025
There will be updates to the Metro Multi-Themed Equity Fund of Funds starting February 10, 2025.
With the NEW Metrobank App, you can now do your banking anywhere while enjoying these features:
Customize your dashboard, available in both light and dark mode
Send money to your loved ones instantly through your deposit account or credit card
Pay your bills conveniently using your deposit account or credit card
Schedule and manage transactions
Report and deactivate lost credit cards
Avail of credit card installments