Savings Account

Elevate your savings

Start your journey to financial security by opening a savings account with Metrobank today! Here are some fantastic benefits that await you:

Keep safe and secure

Metrobank uses advanced security features to safeguard your account information and prevent unauthorized access.

Earns interest

Metrobank savings accounts earn interest, so your money can grow even while it's parked in your account.

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Diverse choices

Fulfill your goals by saving the way you want. Metrobank offers different types of interest-bearing savings accounts to suit your needs.

Easy access

You can easily withdraw your cash from over 2,200 Metrobank or PSBank ATMs conveniently located nationwide.

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Minimal maintaining balance

Metrobank savings accounts require a low minimum maintaining balance, making it easier to start your saving journey.

24/7 monitoring

Open a savings account and enjoy the convenience of checking your balance anytime through our ATMs, mobile app, or online banking platform.

Find the right accounts for your needs

Tell us how you want to start and we'll find the savings account that’s suited to your goals.

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Open a savings account today

Maximize your savings

Get started on your journey to financial success. Open a high interest savings account in the Philippines with Metrobank.

*Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P1 Million per depositor.