A credit card is a useful financial tool. A credit card provides the convenience of being able to make purchases without the burden of carrying physical cash.
A credit card also allows you to buy more high-ticket items more easily. Credit cards also offer perks and rewards when making purchases, which can be redeemed for other types of products and services.
Owning a credit card also boosts your credit score, which affects how willing banks or other financial institutions are to lend you money.
However, improper use of your credit card can lead to expensive monthly payments and accumulated interest, which means paying more the longer you hold back in paying them in full.
To avoid this from happening to you, here are some practical tips you should always follow.
A good tip to follow when using your credit card is to stay under 30% of your total credit limit. For example, if your limit is PHP 100,000, you should keep your balance under PHP 30,000. This way, you will have an easier time planning your monthly budget.