Remitting money from overseas to the Philippines? Check out this directory of Metrobank foreign branches, subsidiaries, and remittance partners found in different regions all over the world. Also find the corresponding fees and rates.
Contact details for Metrobank branches and subsidiaries in the United States of America and Canada.
Contact details for Metrobank branches and subsidiaries in countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and China.
Contact details for Metrobank subsidiaries in the United Kingdom.
Contact details for Metrobank representatives in countries, such as Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and the Kingdom of Saudi.
Locations of Metrobank's remittance partners across the world.
Send money to correspondent banks through wire transfers.
Distance can't stand in the way of the meaningful relationships you have at home. Make them feel your love wherever you are. Send money quickly and safely back home through our Metrobank remittance partners. Open an account to get started.