Net Asset Value per Unit (NAVPU)

What are Unit Investment Trust Funds

Investors of any level of expertise and investment capacity can put their money in a basket of different kinds of investments through UITFs. There are several UITFs to choose from, each catering to a particular investment goal. They’re open-ended investments, meaning you get to choose when you put your money in and when you withdraw.

Updated as of January 17, 2025

Fund nameNet Asset Value per Unit (NAVPU)
Metro Money Market Fund1.905299
Metro Max-5 Bond Fund2.252376
Metro Max-3 Bond Fund2.290439
Metro Corporate Bond Fund1.248459
Metro Balanced Fund3.311777
Metro Equity Fund2.222093
Metro Philippine Equity Index Tracker Fund0.953951
Metro High Dividend Yield Unit Paying Fund1.092367
Metro Unit Paying Fund0.972799
Metro Short Term Bond Fund1.233946
Metrobank PERA Money Market Fund1.096840
Metrobank PERA Bond Fund1.093112
Metrobank PERA Equity Fund0.999235
Metro$ Max-3 Bond Fund1.883803
Metro$ Max-5 Bond Fund2.177284
Metro$ Short Term Bond Fund1.474974
Metro$ Money Market Fund1.126507
Metro$ Asian Investment Grade Bond Fund 1.128069
Metro Aspire Bond Feeder Fund1.222394
Metro Aspire Balanced Feeder Fund1.005748
Metro Aspire Equity Feeder Fund0.951075

Updated as of January 16, 2025

Fund nameNet Asset Value per Unit (NAVPU)
Metro$ US Equity Feeder Fund2.147963
Metro$ China Equity Feeder Fund0.961181
Metro$ Japan Equity Feeder Fund1.095071
Metro$ US Investment Grade Corp Bond Feeder Fund1.008696
Metro Clean Energy Equity Feeder Fund1.130720
Metro$ Eurozone Equity Feeder Fund1.162933

Updated as of January 15, 2025

Fund nameNet Asset Value per Unit (NAVPU)
Metro Multi-Themed Equity Fund of Funds0.908749
Metro$ World Equity Feeder Fund1.688332

Click here to view the historical NAVPU.

Understanding the Net Asset Value per Unit

Net Asset Value per Unit, or NAVPU, on the other hand, is the underlying value of each unit. NAVPU is important because it allows you to compare how different schemes are trading, even though they may have very different prices. A large difference between price and NAVPU suggests that the market believes that either some better pricing is available, or that the NAV is overstated.

Investing in a Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF) means you are buying units of participation. The amount of units you get depends on how much money you invest. How much each unit is worth will depend on the Net Asset Value Per Unit (NAVPU) which is the current market value of each unit of participation in the fund.

NAVPU Computation Method

NAVPU (net asset value per unit) is the total market value of the investment fund minus expenses and liabilities, divided by total number of units of participation.

How to understand and interpret NAVPU

To determine the value of your UITF investment, simply multiply the net asset value per unit (NAVPU) by the number of units of participation acquired. The value of the NAVPU changes daily depending on current market conditions

NAVPU will be different for various funds because the value of their investments will be different.