Make use of your cash position with a business time deposit account that lets you grow your savings while still having them within reach.
Make growth and cash flow projections easy with reliable growth rate.
Control when you get your money back by choosing how long you want the term to be.
Utilize foreign funds you won't need in the meantime by growing them through time deposits.
Keep cash growing but still available with Flexi-Ascend Time Deposit. You can choose short term deposits and roll them over to another term when they mature. You get an increased interest rate up to a set limit whenever the time deposit is rolled over. Choose from these term options:
3-month Term (90 days)
6-month Term (180 days)
1-year Term (360 days)
Putting money in a time deposit is among the safest way to grow cash with an assured fixed interest rate.
The Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) covers up to P1 Million of your total deposit, regardless of the number of accounts you have.
Get 25% of the interest earned if you withdraw during the first-half of the term, and 50% of the interest earned if during the second-half of the term.
With a time deposit, you can grow your money while being able to access it easily if needed. To make a time deposit placement, visit your nearest Metrobank branch with the necessary business time deposit account requirements.