Money Basics Personal Loan

9 things you can use a personal loan for

What are personal loans? It is a type of installment loan you receive in a lump sum, paid with fixed interest rates, and can be used for almost any purpose. It is a type of debt, so it is wise to find a good purpose for a personal loan before applying for one.

With low interest rates, no collateral requirement, flexible loan terms, and fast funding, a personal loan offers enticing benefits. However, it is important that you first establish a good purpose for a personal loan.

To help you make a wise decision, we’ll discuss reasonable purposes to get a personal loan.

Smart reasons to get a personal loan

1. Finance your child’s education

College education is an investment for the future but it can be quite expensive. Ideally, parents save up for their children’s education, but things don’t always work for the best.

A personal loan can help you cover your child’s tuition. Using personal loans to pay for education is a smart move because you’re using the funds for something that could benefit your child and your whole family.

2. Use as capital for your business

Funding a business is one of the most productive purposes of a personal loan. With it, you can borrow funds to start your business immediately rather than wait months, or possibly years, to save up enough.

You can use the business earnings to pay off the monthly amortization, and any excess is your net profit. In essence, you don’t have to shell out any cash from your own pocket, while generating more income.

Alternatively, if you already have a business, you can use the loan to help with cash flow management. It can be a helpful push to grow your business further.

3. Pay for medical emergencies

Medical expenses can be unpredictable, whether it’s an illness or a pregnancy. Emergency funds, health insurance, and the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) may not always cover all your medical expenses. It is also common for Filipinos to turn to friends and family for financial support. But in worst-case scenarios, people might approach loan sharks to get enough funds for hospitalization, treatments, or medicine.

Good thing personal loans can be used to pay for unexpected medical needs while keeping your expenses in check.

4. Pay for home improvement

Home repairs or improvements can be quite expensive. So, many Filipinos dip into their savings or turn to a loan shark to fund their home renovation projects.

A personal loan is a better choice for funding home repairs than these two options. Keep your savings intact for your retirement and avoid more expensive costs from predatory interest rates from loan sharks.

With a personal loan, you can get funds for your home renovation needs without a collateral requirement. Plus, you can get more manageable interest rates, so your repairs don’t break your wallet.

5. Debt consolidation

Personal loans offer lower interest rates, which is why it is a great way to pay off other outstanding debts, especially high-interest ones. This tactic allows you to save on interest and make payment more manageable.

Compare the monthly and total costs of your pre-existing loan and the personal loan to ensure that you are truly getting a better deal. If done right, debt consolidation can help you manage debt wisely.

6. Finance car maintenance and repairs

A car is a great investment for your overall mobility. However, owning a car comes with a lot of responsibilities in the form of maintenance and repairs. Regular maintenance and repairs keep your car in good condition for a long time, which can also help you save more in the long run.

A personal loan can be a convenient way to get cash to cover major maintenance needs, especially unexpected repairs.

7. Cover funeral expenses

Losing a loved one is an upsetting experience and money is the last thing you’d want to worry about. Unfortunately, funerals can be expensive, often costing around PHP 8,000 to up to PHP 300,000 or higher, depending on the services and provider.

Unless you have a memorial plan, you’ll have to procure cash to pay for the memorial services. Your friends’ and family’s “abuloy” (donation) can help cover part of the costs but rarely can it cover the entire funeral expenses.

With a personal loan, you can break up the total memorial costs into monthly payments, so it doesn’t carve a big hole in your pocket.

8. Invest in gadgets

In a digital world, gadgets like laptops and cameras can be considered investments. Students need laptops to learn and complete projects. Meanwhile, professionals, such as photographers, need high-quality equipment to start or grow their business.

One of the sensible purposes for personal loans in the Philippines is for investing in a gadget that would pave the way for better learning or growing professionally.

9. Help fund your wedding

Weddings in the Philippines can be expensive. Depending on the wedding size and your personal choices, a wedding can cost around PHP 122,000 up to PHP 584,000. Some can even go over a million pesos. Remember to be financially responsible when planning your wedding. Only spend what you can afford. A personal loan can help you augment your expenses for the wedding.

Do you need a personal loan?

You can use personal loans for a wide range of purposes, but we do highly recommend that you manage your finances so you can easily pay them. With its wide range of purposes, a personal loan in the Philippines can be a smart financial choice that can help you overcome a tight financial spot and achieve your goals.

Check out other articles to help you make smarter financial choices.