A disputed transaction is any charge on your account that you do not believe is valid. Time is crucial when attempting to dispute a charge – you must notify Metrobank of the invalid transaction within 30 days from your billing statement date.
Lost/stolen cards should be reported immediately by calling our Customer Service hotline. You will be held liable for usages prior to Metrobank’s receipt of advice that the card has been stolen or was lost.
To report a transaction discrepancy, simply call Metrobank’s 24/7 Customer Service Hotline at 88-700-700, Domestic Toll-Free Hotline 1-800-1888-5775, or International Toll-Free Hotline at (+your country and area codes) 800 8700 0707, or send an email via customerservice@metrobankcard.com.
Click here. Please send back the accomplished dispute form via our Customer Service email address.
It is best to be proactive and always be safe. Remember, cardholders are responsible for all transactions made using their credit cards.
You can avoid disputing unauthorized transactions (and the time and effort that goes with it) by being more vigilant.