Credit CardsTerms & Conditions

Bills2Pay Terms and Conditions

  1. Metrobank’s Bills2Pay Auto-charge Program (the “Program” or “Bills2Pay”) is a payment facility wherein enrolled Cardholders’ periodic bills are settled automatically through their Metrobank credit card.

  2. Metrobank Bills2Pay is available to all Metrobank credit cards in active and current status prior to enrollment, excluding ON Internet Mastercard, Dealer Financing and Dollar Cards.

  3. Only Principal Cardholders are qualified to enroll their monthly bills in the Program.

  4. Cardholders who want to enroll in this program may apply via the following channels:

    • Metrobank’s Accredited Telesales agencies
    • Metrobank Customer Service at (02) 88-700-700 (Metro Manila), 1-800-1888-5775 (Domestic Toll-Free Hotline), or International Toll-Free Hotline at (+ your country and area codes) 800-8700-0707.
  5. Cardholders may enroll accounts from any participating merchant partners of the Metrobank credit card Auto Charge Program only. Accounts that are not under the Cardholder’s name will also be accepted for enrollment as long as the Cardholder agrees to enroll these accounts.

  6. By enrolling in the Program, cardholders expressly consent and authorize Metrobank to process, transfer, share, disclose and communicate any personal data as requested during the enrollment process, via the Metrobank channels, and as defined under the R.A. 10173 (The “Data Privacy Act of 2012”) and its implementing Rules and Regulations, to merchant partners of Metrobank in order to process the cardholder’s enrollment request and payment of the monthly bills.

  7. Metrobank shall have the absolute discretion to decline, reject or cancel any Bills2Pay enrollment on whatever grounds whether with or without reason therefor. In such cases, the Cardholder shall not hold Metrobank liable, in any event whatsoever, for any damage, loss or liability that the Cardholder might suffer directly or indirectly by reason of such declining, rejection or cancellation.

  8. Upon approval of the enrollment, the Cardholder shall be regarded to have authorized Metrobank to automatically charge the total amount of the bill/s to their enrolled Metrobank credit card. The turn-around time of enrollment and confirmation is 15 business days.

  9. Notwithstanding the enrollment, it is still incumbent upon the Cardholder to examine his or her bill / statement of account.

  10. For approved applications, Metrobank undertakes that it shall facilitate the payment of the corresponding amount of the Cardholder’s bill/s directly to the merchant company. The Cardholder, however, understands that in case Metrobank rejects a Bills2Pay Auto Charge transaction due to over credit limit, overdue balance, or suspension by the merchant company and/or Metrobank, the Cardholder shall pay the corresponding amount of his bill/s directly to the merchant company. If there are any unpaid bills prior to the approval of the enrollment, the Cardholder needs to settle the unpaid bills separately with the merchant company within the prescribed payment period. In the event the request for enrollment is not confirmed by the merchant company/ies within 45 calendar days, Metrobank shall automatically decline the Cardholder’s request for Bills2Pay Auto Charge Program enrollment. An SMS shall be sent to the Cardholder to advice the declined enrollment.

  11. Details of amounts posted in the Cardholder’s accounts and/or discrepancies between such amounts against the amount indicated in the merchant company’s statement of account shall be referred by the Cardholder to the merchant company within 15 business days for appropriate action. Metrobank shall not be liable for any dispute on billings, provided that the amount posted in the Cardholder’s account is the same as that indicated in the billing information provided by the merchant company.

  12. It is hereby understood that the obligation of Metrobank to process payment of bills under the Program shall automatically cease upon termination of Metrobank’s agreement with the merchant company. Metrobank shall give reasonable notice to Cardholders prior to any termination with merchants.

  13. If the Cardholder decides to cancel any enrollment in the Program, he/she can call the Metrobank Customer Service at (02) 88-700-700 (Metro Manila), 1-800-1888-5775 (Domestic Toll-Free Hotline), International Toll-Free Hotline at (+ your country and area codes) 800-8700-0707 or cancel directly through the Metrobank app.

  14. Cardholders may request for the re-enrollment of their cancelled account/s, subject to the approval of Metrobank, and in accordance with these terms and conditions.

  15. Bills2Pay transactions shall earn one (1) reward point for every P20 transaction. Cardholder will earn rewards points only up to P20,000.00 per merchant, per transaction. Bills2Pay transactions enrolled under a corporate card will not earn rewards points.

  16. The monthly bills, if any, shall form part of the Cardholder’s Total Amount Due, together with the Cardholder’s other transactions, and shall be included in the computation of the Minimum Amount Due for each statement cycle.

  17. If the Cardholder opts to pay only the Minimum Amount Due or any amount below the Total Amount Due, the unpaid portion of the Total Amount Due shall be included in the revolved amount that shall be carried over to the next statement period, and thus shall be subject to the prevailing finance charge rates and finance charge computation.

  18. The Bills2Pay Auto Charge enrollment is co-terminus with the Cardholder’s membership with Metrobank. In case of lost or stolen cards however, enrollment shall be cancelled upon receipt by Metrobank of notice of such loss or theft. Metrobank shall then assign a new/replacement card and process the enrollment of the new/replacement card upon receipt of request for enrollment from the Cardholder.

    The Bills2Pay Program’s terms and conditions shall form part of the Metrobank Credit Card Terms and Conditions. By enrolling in the Program, the Cardholder confirms that he/she has read, understood and agreed to the Program’s terms and conditions.

  19. The above Terms and Conditions may be amended and supplemented by Metrobank from time to time upon at least sixty (60) days’ prior notice in a manner Metrobank considers appropriate, unless otherwise directed by the BSP, existing laws, rules and regulations.

  20. For inquiries and other concerns, contact the Metrobank Customer Service Hotline at (02) 88-700-700 or email

Metrobank is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (