AXA's Metro Credit Protect lifts the weight of your credit card balances from being passed on to your loved ones in case of the unfortunate event of your untimely passing.
For as low as PHP 1 per PHP 100 of monthly statement balance, Metro Credit Protect ensures that your outstanding credit card balance including unbilled installments are fully paid. You get up to a maximum of PHP 2 million card balance coverage in case of death or total and permanent disability.
Get these benefits with Metro Credit Protect:
- Pays for the outstanding credit card balance in the event of the insured’s death due to illness, natural cause, or accident.
- Pays for the outstanding credit card balance in the event of the insured’s total and permanent disability due to sickness or accident.
- Advances 50% of the outstanding credit card balance in case the insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness.
View sample policy here.
To avail, call 88-700-700