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Metrobank Board Committees

Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (Metrobank) Board Committees

Executive Committee (EXCOM)

The EXCOM shall act by majority vote of all its voting members. The EXCOM shall primarily review and approve credit proposals and credit policies within its authority and limits as well as provide recommendations or conditions to lending. The EXCOM may also act on other matters as delegated by the stockholders, and the Board of Directors (BOD) within its competence and in accordance with the By-Laws of the Bank.

Learn more about the EXCOM

Anti-Money Laundering Committee (AMLACOM)

The AMLACOM is a Board-level Committee is tasked to assist the BOD in fulfilling its oversight responsibility for the implementation of Metrobank’s Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Program (MTPP).

The AMLACOM’s objective is to take a risk-based approach to prevent Metrobank from being used to facilitate illegal activity, and ensure continued compliance with the provisions of the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA), as amended, its Revised implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRR), Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) regulations, and all local anti-money laundering regulations in countries in which Metrobank operates.

Learn more about the AMLACOM

Audit Committee (AUDITCOM)

As an extension of the BOD, the AUDITCOM shall assist the BOD in fulfilling its statutory and fiduciary responsibilities, enhancing shareholder value, and protecting shareholders’ interest through (a) effective oversight of internal and external audit functions, (b) transparency and proper reporting, (c) compliance with laws, rules and regulations; and code of conduct, and (d) adequate and effective internal controls.

The AUDITCOM shall be responsible for overseeing the Senior Management in establishing and maintaining an adequate, effective and efficient internal control framework. It shall ensure that systems and processes are designed to provide assurance in areas including financial reporting, monitoring compliance with laws, regulations and internal policies, efficiency and effectiveness of operations, and safeguarding of physical and information assets.

Learn more about the AUDITCOM

Corporate Governance and Compensation Committee (CGCCOM)

The CGCCOM shall assist the BOD in fulfilling its corporate governance responsibilities and in providing oversight in the implementation of the Bank’s Compliance System. The committee is tasked with establishing a formal and transparent procedure in determining the remuneration of directors and officers that is consistent with the Bank’s culture, strategy, business environment, and industry practice.

Learn more about the CGCCOM

Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSC)

On behalf of the BOD, the ITSC provides governance and oversight in the management of the Bank’s information technology (IT) resources. Its principal function is to ensure that IT strategies are consistent with the overall business objectives. It shall have oversight of the IT Risk Management Program of the Bank and the development of policies, controls, and specific accountabilities consistent with the Bank’s IT Risk Management Framework.

As delegated by the BOD, it shall also approve IT-related requests and other IT-related services/arrangements, including outsourcing/insourcing activities. It should regularly render periodic report to the BOD regarding overall IT performance, status of major projects and other significant issues related to IT risks.

Learn more about the ITSC

Nominations Committee (NOMCOM)

The Committee shall review and evaluate the qualifications of all persons nominated to the board as well as those nominated to other positions requiring appointment by the BOD.

Learn more about the NOMCOM

Overseas Banking Committee (OBCOM)

The Overseas Banking Committee shall assist the BOD in its oversight functions over the operations and financial performance of the overseas branches and subsidiaries, and Metrobank expatriates assigned in countries without foreign office but with remittance tie-up arrangement, their compliance with the rules and regulations of their respective host countries and their adherence to the parent Bank’s business and corporate governance policies as prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission.

Learn more about the OBCOM

Related Party Transactions Committee (RPTC)

A Board-level Committee tasked to ensure that Bank’s transactions with related parties are reviewed to assess risks and are subject to appropriate restrictions to ensure that such are conducted at arm’s-length terms and that corporate and business resource of the Bank are not misappropriated or misapplied.

Learn more about the RPTC

Risk Oversight Committee (ROC)

The ROC is a Board-level committee of the Bank. As the extension of the BOD, the ROC is primarily responsible for the development, and oversight of the risk management framework of the Bank, its affiliates, and subsidiaries (collectively, the Group), and its Trust Banking arm.

Learn more about the ROC

Trust Committee (TRUSTCOM)

The Trust Committee is a special committee which reports directly to the BOD and is primarily responsible for overseeing the fiduciary activities of the Bank.

Learn more about the TRUSTCOM